30-Day Live Coaching Nutrition Challenge

Knowledge is power

Challenge the way you approach your nutrition and feel better & look better

Learn exactly how to take the required steps to heal, detox & nourish your body,

Learn about human metabolic bio-chemistry & re-write your relationship with food permanently,

Experience incredible results at any age.

This Live Coaching 30 Day Program is designed to help you achieve a fat burning state of nutritional ketosis, detox your body, reset your microbiome & improve overall health deep within your body’s cells. Participants typically experience immediate weight loss, reversal of lifestyle induced symptoms & illnesses, as well as gaining energy, mental clarity, longevity & youthful aging.

Every one of us is unique. Cookie cutter “diets” do not work. Don’t fall for a one-size-fits all diet program. Results from that type of approach never work longterm.

Because you are bio-individual, the 30 Day Challenge is a personal journey to uncover your unique metabolic thresholds and maintain fat burning. You will learn exactly how to build an efficient metabolism, a clear mind, and high energy while avoiding creeping weight gain and inflammation. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle.

This program provides all the necessary tools needed to make permanent changes: education, resources, real time coaching & community support. This 30-Day Challenge begins with a 36-hour Fit Broth Fast, healing & detoxing & resetting your metabolism.

Master a mindful nutrition lifestyle over a 30 day period with the benefit of a supportive community that helps you stay motivated and holds you accountable.  

take a sneak peak:

Sneak into the first session from my last Live Coaching 30 Day Group and get an idea of how the daily lessons go! Watch this 15 minute video & get a feel for what the program is like . Remember, making adaptations in your body is a process. We go day by day, step by step together in this 30 day journey to health, wellness and a whole new lifestyle.

What’s Included:

1. 36-Hour Fasting Kit & Guided Fast Experience

4 1L jars of frozen organic handcrafted small batch Fit Broth 

1 frozen Powerhouse Smoothie to break your fast 

Keto Sticks to monitor your Metabolic switch

2. Entrance into a guided Nutrition Group

3. Daily Live Teaching Session: step by step we retrain your metabolilc pathway to be fat burning and not sugar burning. Adaptions in the body take time, but we WILL do this in 30 days.

4. Daily real-time Coaching & Individualized Support We meet daily in a video chat, which is recorded and posted so you can view it anytime.

5. Weekly Menus, Recipes & Shopping Lists 0ver 70 recipes that support program goals. Learn how to cook and combine foods together in a specifc way to keep blood sugar low and fat burning high.

6. Kitchen & Pantry Overhaul Guidelines; recreate your environment to support your goals. Your environment and nutrtion lifestyle are equally important as what you eat. This approach is healthy for every member of your family, from the kids to grandpa. Setting up a healthy home environment is one of the first things we do.

What Your 30 Day Fit Broth Journey Looks Like


Week 1

Week 2


Get Ready, Get Set & Go

This program starts with education. Along with your community of fellow Fit Broth Fasters, you will learn about common foods & cooking staples- those that promote health & those that are toxic and derail goals. You will be guided to detox your pantry and fridge & to reset your kitchen and home environment to support your success. Receive over 70 recipes specifically created to match each weeks program goals.

Fast, Detox & Heal

Week 2 starts with a 36-hour bone broth fast to reset your metabolism. During this reset, your body will switch from burning sugar to burning stored body fat.

After the 36 hour fast, you will continue to detox your body and microbiome. You will be guided to heal your gut and care for your microbiome when re-introducing foods. You will receive weekly recipes specifically created to support this process.


Week 3


Stabilizing, Daily Fasting & Hormone Management

In Week 3, you will be stabilizing your level of nutritional ketosis, learn about “how” to eat & begin to approach eating in a specific way. You will learn about the hormones responsible for weight gain & loss and how to manage them.

A wider variety of foods will be introduced through a menu specifically developed to provided the deepest level of cellular health and healing nutrition possible.

Monitor Your Success We will begin to widen your nutritional choices, adding in a wider variety of foods while closely monitoring your personal metabolic threshold. This process is personalized to you and what your specific body needs.


Week 4


Lifestyle Factors that impact metabolism & Incorporating new habits

In the last phase, you will learn about the lifestyle factors that impact your metabolism that have nothing to do with the food you eat. We will dig into Cyclical Fasting. You will continue to learn about the lifestyle pillars that support metabolic health, and you will incorporate a variety of new lifestyle habits that impact your health and metabolism completely separate from diet & nutrition . Your dietary choices will expand through our 4th week menu. Learn how to “cheat” in a healthy way (including wine!) and understand everything you need to know for maintaining your new approach as a longterm lifestyle.


Hear from our amazing clients!

  • I lost a few pounds and overall felt so much better.

    I plan to keep some of the new healthy habits for sure. I like the IF, [and] the smoothie is a great start to the day. I like trying to limit my sugar intake and I’ve found some yummy alternatives that I will definitely keep in the rotation.

  • I have learned a lot of nutrition do's and don'ts!

    Rarely do I miss bread, carbs, dairy, and sugar! I do look forward to my sweet potatoes again, [and I’ve felt] so much support and encouragement, and gained a small book’s worth of recipes to boot!

  • You've been so amazing and educational!

    It’s been great connecting with such amazing women! I feel so much better with my new habits.

  • Overall since we've started...

    I’m down 16 pounds! Only a few more to go!